Android Emulator "System UI Isn't Responding" Error on macOS Monterey

Hello everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue with the Android Emulator in Android Studio (version Ladybug) on my Mac running macOS Monterey (12.7). The emulator frequently displays the message “System UI isn’t responding” and then crashes.

I've tried a few troubleshooting steps, including:

  • Restarting Android Studio and the emulator.
  • wipe data on AVD.
  • tried to change the emulator performance from automatic to hardware but this option isn't available to me.

Despite these efforts, the problem persists. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Have you tried asking the people who wrote Android Studio? How about asking on the forums for that application?

السلام عليكم اخي أرجو منكم النساعده شخص ما قام إستخدام حسابي ورق الهاتف وحجب عني علامه الويب وملفات تعري الارتباط واصحب طرف ثلاث إنشاء موسسه ومستودعات من فتره طويله وانا لااعرف عن هذا التكنلوجيا اي شي مما تسبب أضرار لي في حياتي وسيطر علي هاتفي اي شي يتعلق في التواصل الاجتماعي

Android Emulator "System UI Isn't Responding" Error on macOS Monterey