Cannot delete iOS 18.1 Simulator

When I try to delete an iPhone 16 Pro iOS 18.1 Simulator in XCode 16.1, I get an error message "“data” couldn’t be moved because you don’t have permission to access “Deleting-8366D3CC-37EC-49C0-8674-0599BCE1DA12”.". I had that same issue with iOS 18.0 Simulator but never with previous versions (17.5).

Note that I'm stuck using the iOS 18.1 Simulator because iCloud synchronization is paused (potentially due to low data mode). And I cannot use iOS 18.0 Simulator as well because unit tests run hangs for some other mysterious reason. The fallback to iOS 17.5 Simulator is not satisfactory.

I'm running into the exact same issue:

I have same problem too.

go to folder /Users/xxxx/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices

remove the devices having issues

rm -rf <device folder>

goto Xcode -- Window --> Devices and Simulatot

remove the problematic device and it will removed.

let me know any issue further

Cannot delete iOS 18.1 Simulator