Hi there,
when I run any app on the Xcode 16/16.1 with iOS/tvOS 18/18.1, it generates a crash on the AccessibilityControlsExtension process.
0x1048b8000 - 0x10493bfff dyld (*) <6beafde4-b011-3e47-8aae-4d7b6e4bb7e8> /usr/lib/dyld
0x1047fc000 - 0x104803fff com.apple.AccessibilityUIServer.AccessibilityControlsExtension (1.0) <a67e159b-253d-306c-b6fb-dd3fec38bd0f> /Volumes/VOLUME/*/AccessibilityUIServer.app/PlugIns/AccessibilityControlsExtension.appex/AccessibilityControlsExtension
If run in Catalist mode - there are no crash reports.
I also made a clean install of macOS 15.1 + Xcode and received that error again.
Device: Mac15,13
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Full crash log in attach.