Developer Account Stuck on “Enroll Now” after Approval and Unable to Proceed with Payment

Hello Apple Developer Community,

I am encountering a critical issue with my developer account registration and am hoping someone here might offer insights or solutions.

Background: Recently, I registered a developer account under my company’s name. During the initial submission, there was a discrepancy between the employee verification documents and the registered company name due to our company having multiple entities. This led to Apple cancelling my registration. I subsequently clarified the situation, resubmitted the correct verification, and received an email from Apple confirming that my registration was approved.

Current Issue: After receiving the approval, Apple instructed me to accept the privacy agreement and complete the payment. However, when I access my account in the Apple Developer app, I still see the “Enroll Now” button, which remains greyed out, making it impossible for me to proceed with the required steps. This has halted the entire process.

Steps Taken So Far:

1.	I reached out to Apple Developer Support, explaining the issue in detail.
2.	They escalated my case to another team for further investigation and requested additional documentation, including device information, account details, and identification.
3.	Despite following up, it has been over ten days without any resolution or updates.

Question: Has anyone here experienced a similar situation, or does anyone know of additional steps that might help resolve this issue? Is there a way to directly reach a specific department that can address this technical problem with the account status in the Developer app?

Any guidance or recommendations would be highly appreciated, as this delay is impacting our ability to proceed with app development.

Thank you very much!

Developer Account Stuck on “Enroll Now” after Approval and Unable to Proceed with Payment