I have a record button that either starts or stops a recording using the default action. When the user is recording, I want to add a custom action to discard the recording instead of saving it. That all works fine with the following code:
if isRecording {
recordButton.accessibilityCustomActions = [
.init(name: String(localized: "discard recording"), actionHandler: { [weak delegate] _ in
return true
recordButton.accessibilityLabel = String(localized: "stop recording", comment: "accessibility label")
} else {
recordButton.accessibilityCustomActions = []
recordButton.accessibilityLabel = String(localized: "start recording", comment: "accessibility label")
The problem I have is that when a user chose "discard recording", it becomes the default selected action again the next time the user records, and instead of stopping and saving the recording, the user might accidentally discard the next one as well.
How can I programmatically reset the selected action on this recordButton
to the default action?