Erreur 34 311


i dont know if i post in a good section. i have crash without message in console only error 34 311

what does this code mean?

erreur -311 smFHBlkDispErr : an error occurred during _sDisposePtr (suppression du bloc FHeader). erreur -34 dskFulErr : full disk

or is this something else?


Are you debugging by Xcode or other IDEs? Is your program running on a simulator or a real device? From the error message you provide, it shows dskFulErr : full disk. Check if the disk of your Mac or the device you're debugging on is full.

WindowsMEMZ @ Darock Studio
let myEmail = "memz" + "1" + "@" + ""


application C++, apple M3 , only log <1Mo

Erreur 34 311