iPadOS crashes: UpdateCoalescingCollectionView is stuck in a recursive layout loop since iOS 18.0.1


Since iOS 18.0.1 I receive crash reports for iPadOS only, "Fatal error: <UpdateCoalescingCollectionView 0x30148e7c0> is stuck in a recursive layout loop. The error is not reproducible for me.

However, the screen where the user did the last touch event has no CollectionView but just a ScrollView. Can it be possible that this error can happen on a View that is not visible but is on another tab of the active UITabViewController(Representable) but has a UICollectionView? Or can you see somehow from the crash report on which SwiftIUView/UIKItView this error happened?

Hello @Rumio, I'm also facing same issue and looking for solution. Were you able to find the root cause or any fix?

iPadOS crashes: UpdateCoalescingCollectionView is stuck in a recursive layout loop since iOS 18.0.1