[MapKit] Expected a number value for Style.fillOpacity, but got `NaN` instead.

Hi, I am building a Next.js app on top of Mapkit JS but I keep getting this error randomly. The map works most of the time but this error triggers randomly sometimes when the map loads even though I have not used the fillOpacity parameter at all. Even defining the parameter still causes the error.

mapkit.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: [MapKit] Expected a number value for Style.fillOpacity, but got NaN instead.

at Object.checkType (mapkit.js:2:205350)

at set fillOpacity (mapkit.js:2:670243)

at set fillOpacity (mapkit.js:2:673537)

at _.performScheduledUpdate (mapkit.js:2:643649)

at mapkit.js:2:221322

at m (mapkit.js:2:221358)

Code: import React, { useEffect, useRef } from "react"

import { useTheme } from "next-themes"

declare global {

interface Window {

mapkit: any



interface MapKitProps {

latitude: number

longitude: number

zoom: number


const MapKit: React.FC<MapKitProps> = ({ latitude, longitude, zoom }) => {

const mapRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)

const mapInstanceRef = useRef<any>(null)

const { setTheme, theme } = useTheme()

useEffect(() => {

if (window.mapkit && mapRef.current) {


authorizationCallback: (done: (token: string) => void) => {

const token = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APPLE_MAPKIT_TOKEN

if (token) {


} else {

console.error("MapKit JS token is not set")




// Clean up the previous map instance if it exists

if (mapInstanceRef.current) {



// Create a new map instance

mapInstanceRef.current = new window.mapkit.Map(mapRef.current, {

center: new window.mapkit.Coordinate(latitude, longitude),

zoom: zoom,

colorScheme: theme,

_allowWheelToZoom: true,



// Cleanup function to destroy the map instance when the component unmounts

return () => {

if (mapInstanceRef.current) {




}, [latitude, longitude, zoom])

return <div ref={mapRef} style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }} />


export default MapKit

Is this a bug? I've been trying to solve this for almost a month already, even setting the fillOpacity value causes this error to randomly occur.

Do you get the same results with just the relevant code in a small test project comprised with just the MapKit JS code and HTML to display and interact with the map? Importantly, that will reduce your code by removing the other dependencies you list to see if this reproduces on its own without those dependencies influencing the behavior.

If you can get this to reproduce as a small test project without those dependencies, please share a link to your test project so we can look at it further.

[MapKit] Expected a number value for Style.fillOpacity, but got `NaN` instead.