What minimal changes can I make to use Xcode 16+ predictive code completion (PCC) when I've been booting from external drives (on the same apple-silicon machine)?
PCC says it requires booting from an internal drive.
I boot from external for a host of reasons that aren't going to change, but need to investigate whether/how I should accommodate PCC.
I haven't found technical communications on PCC requirements, and I hate to guess (wrong) because OS/workflow reconfiguration is hard and disruptive. So this post is to ask whether my approach would work, or if there's a better one.
I hope to continue using the external for the user home directory, the installed Xcode application, and Xcode temporary files (and of course the projects and artifacts).
(a) Does the "internal drive" requirement extend only to booting, or also to installing Xcode or situating the user HOME dir?
(b) Can one use the same external HOME directory for a user booting alternately from an internal and external drives? I would doubt it since the OS's would conflict e.g., in the HOME/Library state.
So I assume that means we use separate HOME dir's, but link key user HOME directories to external/real HOME (git, etc. - also .ssh?). Then OS's have distinct views, but user has mostly common view. (Assuming user always codes/builds for least-common-denominator.)
Aside: is it possible to redirect the system var/temp to an external?
(c) Xcode signing for the same machine/CPU seems locked to a specific OS. I.e., to switch between OS drives but do code signing in Xcode, I've had to re-issue a certificate.
(c-1) Is that avoidable?
(c-2) Can I somehow maintain a per-machine certificate, and toggle between them?
(c-3) Is that process made possible or impossible if Xcode is always pointing at the same Derived-Data/Archives directories? Is there any way to make it semi-automatic, once configured?
Thank you!
(I didn't see any forum tag for PCC.)