Archive Missing Bundle Identifier Error - IDEArchivedApplicationErrorDomain

Hello everyone,

I’m encountering an issue while trying to archive my app in Xcode, and I hope someone can help me troubleshoot it.

Error Details:

Domain: IDEArchivedApplicationErrorDomain Code: 1 Failure Reason: Archive content at path /Users/c1/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2024-09-22/alpha release 4 22-09-24, 2.52 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ is missing a bundle identifier. User Info:

DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-09-22 09:22:03 +0000"; Steps Taken: I’ve verified that the Bundle Identifier is correctly set in the project settings under the General tab. Cleaned the build folder (Product > Clean Build Folder). Restarted Xcode and attempted to archive again. Checked that all targets in the project have a valid Bundle Identifier. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions for resolving this? I would appreciate any guidance on how to fix this missing bundle identifier error.

Thanks in advance for your help!


I'm currently having trouble getting the same error as you.

If you were resolving this error, can you tell me how to solve it?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hello, I am also having the same problem. In my case, after the error, when I check the directory, .xcarchive is output, but Info.plist is not present inside .xcarchive. When I created another simple project, I verified that the Info.plist was present inside the correctly generated .xcarchive.

My same problem is solved. In my case, I solved it by changing the Installation Directory in the App TARGET Deployment settings from /Applications/ to $(LOCAL_APPS_DIR), or /Applications.

Or maybe the following will help.

Archive Missing Bundle Identifier Error - IDEArchivedApplicationErrorDomain