We found that in same cases the StoreKit2 API Product.purchase() return an other transaction which is not what the user is purchasing.

Hi, We found that in same cases the StoreKit2 API Product.purchase() return an other transaction which is not what the user is purchasing. We are confused that if the usage below could lead to this issue: StoreKit2 and old StoreKit are used at the same time: purchase by StoreKit2: Product.purchase(); in the callback method [SKPaymentTransactionObserver paymentQueue:updatedTransactions:], call the old API [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] finishTransaction:] to finish transaction, but never call the new one Transaction.finish().

Your reply will help us a lot! Thank you.

We found that in same cases the StoreKit2 API Product.purchase() return an other transaction which is not what the user is purchasing.