We’ve developed a workout app with a Live Activity feature to help users launch the mirroring view on iPhone, similar to the built-in workout app for biking activities.
While Live Activities are now available on watchOS 11, the integration feels a bit off for our Workout app. Is there a way to disable or exclude our Live Activity from appearing on watchOS?
Currently, when a user starts a workout, the Live Activity appears at the bottom of the screen, requiring users to tap the screen before they can use our app. The built-in Workout app doesn’t have this issue.
Additionally, our Live Activity appears in the Smart Stack, duplicating content with the built-in Workout Live Activity.
We’re unsure if we missed any keys or settings to exclude Live Activity from watchOS.
iOS 18 added supplementalActivityFamilies which will allow you to exclude your LA.
As it states:
A Live Activity initiated on one device can be sent to a remote device that renders the Live Activity at a different family size. For example, if your Live Activity is running on an iOS or iPadOS device, it natively renders with an ActivityFamily.medium family. If you want to opt in to customize the rendering for a Live Activity for the watchOS Smart Stack, use the ActivityFamily.small family modifier.
In your case you would exclude .small
Hopefully this helps.
WWDR - DTS - Software Engineer