How can I completely clear the asset memory?

Background: This is a simple visionOS empty application. After the app launches, the user can enter an ImmersiveSpace by clicking a button. Another button loads a 33.9 MB USDZ model, and a final button exits the ImmersiveSpace.

Below is the memory usage scenario for this application:

  1. After the app initializes, the memory usage is 56.8 MB.
  2. After entering the empty ImmersiveSpace, the memory usage increases to 64.1 MB.
  3. After loading a 33.9 MB USDZ model, the memory usage reaches 92.2 MB.
  4. After exiting the ImmersiveSpace, the memory usage slightly decreases to 90.4 MB.

Question: While using a memory analysis tool, I noticed that the model's resources are not released after exiting the ImmersiveSpace. How should I address this issue?

struct EmptDemoApp: App {

    @State private var appModel = AppModel()

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

        ImmersiveSpace(id: appModel.immersiveSpaceID) {
                .onAppear {
                    appModel.immersiveSpaceState = .open
                .onDisappear {
                    appModel.immersiveSpaceState = .closed
        .immersionStyle(selection: .constant(.mixed), in: .mixed)
struct ContentView: View {
    @Environment(AppModel.self) private var appVM
    var body: some View {
        HStack {
            VStack {
            if appVM.immersiveSpaceState == .open {
                Button {
                    Task {
                        if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Robot", withExtension: "usdz") {
                            if let model = try? await ModelEntity(contentsOf: url, withName: "Robot") {
                                model.setPosition(.init(x: .random(in: 0...1.0), y: .random(in: 1.0...1.6), z: -1), relativeTo: nil)
                                print("Robot: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(model).toOpaque())")
                } label: {
                    Text("Add A Robot")
struct ImmersiveView: View {
    @Environment(AppModel.self) private var appVM

    var body: some View {
        RealityView { content in
            appVM.root = content
struct ToggleImmersiveSpaceButton: View {
    @Environment(AppModel.self) private var appModel
    @Environment(\.dismissImmersiveSpace) private var dismissImmersiveSpace
    @Environment(\.openImmersiveSpace) private var openImmersiveSpace

    var body: some View {
        Button {
            Task { @MainActor in
                switch appModel.immersiveSpaceState {
                    case .open:
                        appModel.immersiveSpaceState = .inTransition
                        appModel.root = nil
                        await dismissImmersiveSpace()

                    case .closed:
                        appModel.immersiveSpaceState = .inTransition
                        switch await openImmersiveSpace(id: appModel.immersiveSpaceID) {
                            case .opened:

                            case .userCancelled, .error:
                            @unknown default:
                                appModel.immersiveSpaceState = .closed

                    case .inTransition:
        } label: {
            Text(appModel.immersiveSpaceState == .open ? "Hide Immersive Space" : "Show Immersive Space")
        .disabled(appModel.immersiveSpaceState == .inTransition)
        .animation(.none, value: 0)

Hello @Zohar2023,

Please file a bug report for this issue using Feedback Assistant.

Also, it does not appear that this issue is resulting in unbounded memory growth (as you open and close the space and model many times, the overall memory footprint is stable, rather than growing until your process is jettisoned from memory). If this issue is causing a concrete problem in your app, please mention that in your bug report.

Best regards,


Is appVM.root holding a reference to the content and preventing the resources from being released until a new immersive view is created? Try setting it to nil when the immersive view is closed to see if that helps.

How can I completely clear the asset memory?