Subclassing ASWebAuthenticationSession.Callback not working

Hi, Trying to upgrade our SSO login with url and not uriScheme using ASWebAuthenticationSession.init(url:, callback:, completionHandler:)

Problem is the documentation is very basi so I was trying to experiemnt and ran into a weird bug ... apparently if I subclass ASWebAuthenticationSession.Callback like this:

class CustomThingie: ASWebAuthenticationSession.Callback {
    override func matchesURL(_ url: URL) -> Bool {
        PLogDebug("CustomThingie - match url: \(url) - does match? \(super.matchesURL(url))")
        return super.matchesURL(url)

The session black box thingie does nothing. That is "do you want to login ..." does not appear, nor any web modal.

session.start() does nothing when:

session = ASWebAuthenticationSession(
                url: editedUrl,
                callback: CustomThingie.customScheme(uriScheme),
                completionHandler: onComplete

session.start() works fine when:

session = ASWebAuthenticationSession(
                url: editedUrl,
                callback: .customScheme(uriScheme),
                completionHandler: onComplete

Any insights why is it so?

Regards, Martynas

Subclassing is not supported for this type. If you just want to match an https URL rather than a custom scheme, use the .https(host:path:) method. If you're trying to implement something else that's not currently supported, we'd love to hear about it.

Subclassing ASWebAuthenticationSession.Callback not working