App crashes in AppStore-Mode

Hi again, experts

I have a problem :D

My app craseh on startup, when creating it in AppStore Mode and I have absolutely no idea, why.

The only difference betweed my Developer-ID-Mode and AppStore-Mode is, tha differnet certificates are used and a tool runs, that does something with the info.plist. (and the stapler tool, that runs in devID-Mode, is of course not used in appstore-mode)

Here is, what I do, when creating the binary:

/usr/bin/plutil -convert binary1 "/Users/me/somewhere/" (the above line is not used in Dev-ID-Mode)

/usr/bin/codesign --entitlements "/Users/me/somewhere/myapp.entitlements" --deep -s "DeveloperAppCert" -f "/Users/me/somewhere/"

/usr/bin/productbuild --component "/Users/me/somewhere/" "/Applications" --sign "MacDeveloperInstallerCert" "/Users/me/somewhere/hansimaticoffice.pkg"

Any hint?

In the meantime, I found out that the problem is caused by codesign. but still no idea, why ..

The problem is caused by implementing the entitlements file. It contains only the sandbox line:


I found the reason in the machine's Console: There was an issue with permissions. I had to add network permissions and then the app was running.

BUT: The installer (pkg) quits with a "sucessfully installed" - but the app does not appear in the "Applications" directory.

Could someone help me out with the reason?

I think, it's again a problem of Apple's "Gatekeeper" stuff ..

App crashes in AppStore-Mode