Resting Heart Rate - Individual readings?

I receive multiple resting heart rate readings throughout the day. I understand these readings are taken during the day while sedentary. However, if I query for:

HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .restingHeartRate)

I only receive ONE sample for the day, even though throughout the day multiple samples are observed. This is confirmed by looking at the Apple Health app and seeing only one recorded resting heart rate each day.

Is there a way to get the individual resting heart rate readings for the .restingHeartRate type or am I stuck with querying the raw heart rate data for sedentary values (which don't always match Apples reported rhr)?

Are you referring to data measured by Apple Watch?

If so then my understanding (as of iOS 17 & WatchOS 10) is:

  1. Apple Watch records the users Heart Rate roughly every 4-6 minutes throughout the day when on the users wrist and not in low power mode
  2. These Heart Rate readings go to 10’s per minute during a Workout
  3. Apple Watch only generates one Resting Heart Rate value per day
  4. This single Resting value is updated during the day if needed rather than additional values being saved to Apple Health

To answer your question on querying the data that makes up a Resting Heart Rate value, I don’t think this is specifically possible. Essentially Apple have created an algorithm which uses the raw Heart Rate data to generate the Resting Heart Rate value, this algorithm is not public to my knowledge, and it has also changed over the years (for example, it used to incorporate all HR data throughout the day, now it ignores HR measured during Sleep). You will need to query those individual readings as you are doing with a HKHeartbeatSeriesQuery.

Hope this helps!

Resting Heart Rate - Individual readings?