I'm building an app in Apple Virtualization but I can no longer generate images after updating to macOS Sequoia. It's a simple function that will create thumbnails in either HEIF or JPEG, but neither work now.
I get these warnings every time:
CGImageProviderGetContentHeadroom: Bad headroom value 0.000000 for SDR, returning 1.0
NSBundle file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/ principal class is nil because all fallbacks have failed
IOServiceMatchingfailed for: AppleM2ScalerParavirtDriver <<<< VTParavirtualization >>>> VTParavirtualizationReplyClerkWaitForReply signalled err=-19092 (kVTParavirtualizationTimeoutErr) (timeout waiting for pending reply) at VTParavirtualization. c: 3804
writeImageAtIndex:1077: *** CMPhotoCompressionSessionAddImage: err = unknown error [-19092] (codec: 'hvc1')
The operation couldn't be completed. (CINonLocalizedDescriptionKey error 3.)
Will this be resolved in Xcode 16 or macOS Sequoia?