I am applying for the NEHotspot API Entitlement with the details below, but Apple has rejected it multiple times. Can you help me understand what I am doing wrong?
Q. In how many countries are your hotspots located?
A - 1
Q. What is the approximate total number of hotspots you manage?
A - 1000
Q. Which of the following best explains the relationship between you, the app publisher, and the users of these hotspots?
A - These hotspots are free for anyone to use.
Hotspot Helper API usage
Q. A hotspot helper must claim the hotspot networks that it supports by setting a confidence value of either .low or .high when responding to the .evaluate command. See Figure 1-1 in Hotspot Network Subsystem Programming Guide for more background on this. When the helper claims a network, its display name (kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName) is shown in Settings > Wi-Fi. What value do you intend to use for this?
Q. When responding to the .authenticate command, you system must interact with your hotspot to instruct it to pass traffic from the device to the wider internet. What network protocols does it use?
Q. Provide any additional details about your usage to help us understand your planned implementation.
A - We are implementing the following functionalities in our project:
- Connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot with a specified SSID.
- Remove Wi-Fi configurations for specific SSIDs.
- Initialize a new hotspot configuration with the specified SSID.