Xcode compatibility

Hello everyone I run into a problem with Xcode I updated my Mac to Mac OS 15 sequoia and I try to get the version 16 of Xcode but It doesn't seem to work is anyone run into the same problem or I'm doing something wrong ? Thank you

Answered by Product Manager in 794863022


Xcode 16 is compatible with macOS Sequoia. You can see the compatibility list here.

Could you please provide more details about the issue you are facing?

Thank you.

Accepted Answer


Xcode 16 is compatible with macOS Sequoia. You can see the compatibility list here.

Could you please provide more details about the issue you are facing?

Thank you.

Yes of course ... As I said I did the update to the sequoia 15, and then I tried to run Xcode and the pop up appeared it said that Xcode is not compatible with the system. So I when to Xcode on Apple developer and downloaded a packet call Xcode 16.3 , and then it said that some dependancies are missing or broken I need to reinstall it... I try multiple time did not work . That why I came to the forum.

There's an open source project named Xcodes. They have a desktop app that makes it trivial to install and manage various Xcode versions (from old stuff to the latest betas (like Xcode 16 beta 3)), as well as the platform SDKs that go with them.

It plays nice with stable versions (installed via the App Store etc). It's very easy to use.

They also have a (pure Swift) command line version, which looks pretty cool.

Thank you CarlYounger I didn't know that project and it seems very convenient. I going to try it.

Xcode compatibility