Request eSIM entitlement (*Carrier Team ID)

Hi, I'm developing a app that can install eSIM profile to device within the app, check currently esim or device is support eSIM feature, but for the Core Telephony API that required eSIM entitlement... I trying to request the entitlement from apple, but for the "Carrier team ID", my partner (carrier) does not know about this part...

anyone can help? how can i get the "carrier team id" and request to apple get the entitlement to my app, implement Core Telephony...

Or.. the question can be "How carrier can provide the "carrier team id" to me..." "How carrier can get the "carrier team id" "...

I’m not involved in the eSIM entitlement process, so there’s a limit to how much I can help you with this. But…

If you’re working on an app that can install eSIMs then you must necessarily be working with a carrier that vends those eSIMs. Given that, I recommend that you discuss this issue with your contact at that carrier.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

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my partner carrier is a MVNO

My general advice is that case is that you escalate this via your MVNO’s parent carrier.

'parent' carrier mean an MNO carrier?

No, I’m talking about the parent carriers of your MVNO. By definition, an MVNO resells access to a physical network run by one or more ‘real’ carriers, and those are what I’m talking about here.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Request eSIM entitlement (*Carrier Team ID)