Title: Loss of Internet Connectivity on iOS Device When Packet Tunnel Crashes Feedback ticket: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/14162605 Product: iPhone 12 Version: iOS - 17.5.1 Configuration: NETunnelProviderManager Configuration
Description: We are developing an iOS VPN client and have configured our packet tunnel provider according to Apple's guidelines. The configuration is as follows: includeAllNetworks = YES excludeLocalNetworks = NO enforceRoutes = NO This setup works as expected when the VPN successfully connects. However, we encounter a blocker issue where the device loses internet connectivity if the packet tunnel crashes.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Configure the NETunnelProviderManager with the above settings.
- Connect the VPN, which successfully establishes a connection.
- Verify that resources are accessible and internet connectivity is functional.
- Packet tunnel to crash unexpectedly.Observe that the NE process (Packet Tunnel) restarts automatically, as expected and attempts to reconnect the VPN;
- however, the device now lacks internet connectivity, preventing VPN reconnection.
- Try accessing resources using Safari or any other internet-dependent app, resulting in an error indicating the device is not connected to the internet.
Actual Results: The device loses internet connectivity after the packet tunnel crashes and fails to regain it automatically, preventing the VPN from reconnecting.
Expected Results: The device should maintain internet connectivity or recover connectivity to allow the VPN to reconnect successfully after the packet tunnel process restarts.
Workaround - iPhone device needs a restart to regain internet connectivity .