Customer Reviews API Error - Authentication Challenge


I am currently running into issues while using the "List All Customer Reviews for an App" API.

From both Postman and cURL, I am running into the below error when making requests to the endpoint.

  "errors" : [ {
    "id" : "088cf5a0-5ea1-447c-ad21-e3de2f6e8ead",
    "status" : "403",
    "code" : "FORBIDDEN_ERROR",
    "title" : "This request is forbidden for security reasons",
    "detail" : "The API key in use does not allow this request"
  } ]

The API Key in question is an Admin role API Key that is capable of making other requests to the App Store Connect API such as Creating Beta Groups, Submitting Builds, downloading Sales data, etc. The same requests were working two weeks ago, but then stopped working last week sometime.

Has anyone else run into the above issue? Any thoughts on things to try to get around this issue with Admin API Keys?

Thanks in advance for any guidance or thoughts that can be shared!

Thanks for reporting this, would you please file a Feedback Assistant ticket for this issue including detail on your Team and Key ID you are using and any additional information in the response? You can add the Feedback ID here and we'll be able to look into this issue further. Thank you!

Hello @Developer Program Support,

Thanks so much for reaching out on this! A Feedback has been filed with the below ID.


Inside of the Feedback I have provided the trace API logs along with all of the header information so that hopefully the correlation ID can be used to track down what is going on internally.

Let me know if there is anything additional that I can share to be helpful within the Feedback.

Thanks for looking into this and happy coding!

Much appreciated and extremely helpful! We'll follow up through the ticket as we have updates. Thank you again!

Customer Reviews API Error - Authentication Challenge