URL links to default Apps

So I find that I am able to fire up Safari on my phone and I can type the following to get to the relative app:

  • weather:// -> Weather App
  • maps:// -> Maps App
  • wallet:// -> Wallet App
  • music:// -> Music App
  • message:// -> Mail App
  • messages:// -> Messages App

Does anyone know a quick link like the ones above for Apple's Translate app? I would love to be able to easily open it via a link.


    1. translate:// -> attempts to open the Translate app

But ultimately just brings up a prompt and fails to open it when you tap on the prompt.

The best course of action would be to file a bug report against Apple Documentation to add relevant information on how to deep link into first party apps on iOS.

WWDR, Software Engineer

There's no supported way for you to pull logs from the content filter with the APIs currently available. If you'd like us to consider adding the necessary functionality, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant. Once you file the request, please post the FB number here.

If you're not familiar with how to file enhancement requests, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

WWDR, Software Engineer

URL links to default Apps