Conda uninstallation

Hello everyone,

I installed anaconda day before yesterday on my mac but I believe somehow it has overwriiten the homebrew command which I used to install applications for development purpose.

Right now even after uninstalling the anaconda application and removing everything related to it, I can still see the conda getting used in terminal.

Can anyone please help me out on this, as to how can I remove the conda and bring in homebrew instead?

I'm sharing the .zshrc screenshot for your reference.

I did few steps and deactivated conda by

Step 1:conda deactivate Step 2:conda config --set auto_activate_base False

But still error persists as on opening the terminal I'm getting

(eval):65: command not found: dirname (eval):65: command not found: dirname

Can anyone please help me out?

I solved the error after researching for whole 1day:

I rewrote the .tshrc file with

brew() { local conda_env="$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" while [ "$CONDA_SHLVL" -gt 0 ]; do conda deactivate done command brew $@ local brew_status=$? [ -n "${conda_env:+x}" ] && conda activate "$conda_env" return "$brew_status" }

I believe this sort of fixes should be known by support team, otherwise using a mac is bit complicated. I have seen lot of people facing these type of problems with the terminal.

Conda uninstallation