WWDC Lab feedback

I am writing to follow up with my lab in WWDC24. I had 1:1 lab with Mr. Kavin, we had good 30 minutes lab and for follow up questions Kavin asked me to post it using feedback.

Following is my questin: We have screenshare in our application and trying to use CFMessagePort for passing CVPixelBufferRef from broadcast extension to Applicaiton.


  • How to copy planes of IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef onto another one without using memcpy, is there a zero-copy method?
  • How to get notified when an IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef data get changed by another process.
  • How to send an IOSurface backed CVPixelBufferRef from Broadcast Extension to application.
  • How to pass unowned IOSurfaceRef from the Broadcast Extension to appliction.
WWDC Lab feedback