UserDefaults not Sendable


I am just about to prepare my app for Swift 6, and facing the issue that UserDefaults is not Sendable. The documentation states that its thread safe, so I am wondering, why is it not marked as Sendable? Was it just forgotten? Is it safe to mark it as nonisolated(unsafe) or @unchecked Sendable?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792408022
if an open class would be marked Sendable and someone tried to subclass it, swift would emit a warning that the subclass must also be Sendable.

Right. As long as the subclass was written in Swift. And you actually compiled it from source, rather then importing the implementation from a complied binary. Like, say, one of the frameworks built in to an Apple OS (-:

So, there’s two parts to this:

  • Why isn’t UserDefaults sendable?

  • What should you do in your code?

I’ll tackle these in order.

I usually don’t answer why questions here on DevForums [1]. However, in this case Foundation is part of the Swift project and so I have a little more latitude. Specifically, check out Sendable in Foundation on Swift Forums.

No one from the Foundation team has chimed in there, but someone posted a bug number (FB11224364). I followed that link and, again, I’m bumping into the limit of what I can talk about publicly but, it seems that subclassing is the primary concern.

As to what you can do about it, the obvious solution is to create a new UserDefaults object in every context that needs it. That’s guaranteed to work regardless of UserDefaults subclasses [2].

If you don’t like that approach you can use some alternative that opts out of strict concurrency checking. For example, the property wrapper example you posted compiles just fine if you deploy nonisolated(unsafe) on the MyAppGroup.defaults global.

enum MyAppGroup {
    nonisolated(unsafe) static let defaults: UserDefaults = { UserDefaults(suiteName: "com.example.waffle-varnish")! }()

ps Your exact code doesn’t compile because userTimezoneId itself is a static variable, but that’s a different problem.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] See tip 3 in Quinn’s Top Ten DevForums Tips.

[2] Because the obvious implementation is something like this:

let suiteName: String? = …
let defaults = { UserDefaults(suiteName: $0)! } ?? .standard

which means you can only create standard user defaults values.

In my experience there are two common reasons why a Foundation type that ‘obviously’ should be sendable isn’t:

  • User info dictionaries

  • Custom subclasses

I’ve found that UserDefaults rarely needs to be sendable, because I access UserDefaults.standard at each point I need it. Can you post an example of where it’s triggering a sendability problem?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Hey, thanks for your answer.

While I get the two points, I think UserDefaults does not have user info dictonaries. I get that custom subclasses can be problematic, but up to my knowledge, if an open class would be marked Sendable and someone tried to subclass it, swift would emit a warning that the subclass must also be Sendable. Also, certain other classes in Foundation (like NumberFormatter) are Sendable, despite being open.

In my particular case I cannot use the static UserDefaults.standard as I need to share the defaults within my app group. Potential code snippet could be:

public final class Defaults: Sendable {
    private let defaults: UserDefaults

    public init(
        _ defaults: UserDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "foobar")
            ?? .standard
    ) {
        self.defaults = defaults

I know I could in theory just pass the suite name and make UserDefaults computed (btw, is UserDefaults.standard also computed?), however I still don't get why UserDefaults is not sendable despite the docs mentioning its thread safe.

Similar question - if I wrap UserDefaults in the property wrapper (in my example to provide access to shared app group defaults).

public struct HMASettingsDefault<Value> {
    let key: String
    let defaultValue: Value
    var container: UserDefaults = UserDefaults.standard

    public var wrappedValue: Value {
        get {
            return container.object(forKey: key) as? Value ?? defaultValue
        set {
            if let optionalValue = newValue as? AnyOptional, optionalValue.isNil {
                container.removeObject(forKey: key)
            else {
                container.set(newValue, forKey: key)

Xcode will report "is not concurrency-safe because it is non-isolated global shared mutable state" in all places where this wrapper is used e.g.

@HMASettingsDefault(key: "fixedAppTimezone", defaultValue: Calendar.current.timeZone.identifier, container: MyAppGroup.defaults)
static var userTimezoneId: String

What would be the best approach to use (promised) threadsafe objects in property wrappers in Swift6 strict concurrency world?

if an open class would be marked Sendable and someone tried to subclass it, swift would emit a warning that the subclass must also be Sendable.

Right. As long as the subclass was written in Swift. And you actually compiled it from source, rather then importing the implementation from a complied binary. Like, say, one of the frameworks built in to an Apple OS (-:

So, there’s two parts to this:

  • Why isn’t UserDefaults sendable?

  • What should you do in your code?

I’ll tackle these in order.

I usually don’t answer why questions here on DevForums [1]. However, in this case Foundation is part of the Swift project and so I have a little more latitude. Specifically, check out Sendable in Foundation on Swift Forums.

No one from the Foundation team has chimed in there, but someone posted a bug number (FB11224364). I followed that link and, again, I’m bumping into the limit of what I can talk about publicly but, it seems that subclassing is the primary concern.

As to what you can do about it, the obvious solution is to create a new UserDefaults object in every context that needs it. That’s guaranteed to work regardless of UserDefaults subclasses [2].

If you don’t like that approach you can use some alternative that opts out of strict concurrency checking. For example, the property wrapper example you posted compiles just fine if you deploy nonisolated(unsafe) on the MyAppGroup.defaults global.

enum MyAppGroup {
    nonisolated(unsafe) static let defaults: UserDefaults = { UserDefaults(suiteName: "com.example.waffle-varnish")! }()

ps Your exact code doesn’t compile because userTimezoneId itself is a static variable, but that’s a different problem.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

[1] See tip 3 in Quinn’s Top Ten DevForums Tips.

[2] Because the obvious implementation is something like this:

let suiteName: String? = …
let defaults = { UserDefaults(suiteName: $0)! } ?? .standard

which means you can only create standard user defaults values.


Thanks for the detailed answer and sorry for the delayed response. Wasn't aware that why questions usually aren't answered and will keep that in mind next time!

If subclassing is the primary concern, does that mean that nonisolated(unsafe) is actually pretty safe to use as long as I don't use a subclass of UserDefaults? I am a bit hesitant to create a new instance every time I access user defaults, as I am not sure if that has any performance impacts. Probably they would be very minor anyways, but still I am concerned.

If you have performance concerns, you should measure the performance. Performance is one of those places where it’s very common for your intuition to be out of whack with reality.

My general feeling about this is that, if you’re hitting the user defaults subsystem so hard to performance is a concern, then user defaults isn’t the right API for you. However, that’s just intuition, and what matters for performance is numbers (-:

If subclassing is the primary concern, does that mean that nonisolated(unsafe) is actually pretty safe to use

Yes and no. Your current design allows the client to specify a UserDefaults instance, which allows for subclassing. And while you might not be creating subclasses, the OS certainly does.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

UserDefaults not Sendable