Apple: please unlock "enterprise features" for all visionOS devs!

We are developing apps for visionOS and need the following capabilities for a consumer app:

  • access to the main camera, to let users shoot photos and videos
  • reading QR codes, to trigger the download of additional content

So I was really happy when I noticed that visionOS 2.0 has these features.

However, I was shocked when I also realized that these capabilities are restricted to enterprise customers only:

I think that Apple is shooting itself into the foot with these restrictions. I can understand that privacy is important, but these limitations restrict potential use cases for this platform drastically, even in consumer space.

IMHO Apple should decide if they want to target consumers in the first place, or if they want to go the Hololens / MagicLeap route and mainly satisfy enterprise customers and their respective devs. With the current setup, Apple is risking to push devs away to other platforms where they have more freedom to create great apps.

You should post a Feedback with your suggestions.

Apple: please unlock "enterprise features" for all visionOS devs!