Object Tracking with Rotation of Objects


In the "Explore object tracking for visionOS" session we explore how a Globe can be tracked, and objects can be anchored to various positions. My question is if the physical Globe is rotated, will the anchored objects also respond to this in real-time?

I would like to overlap a virtual map on top of a physical globe, so when the user rotates the physical globe, the virtual map also seamlessly responds. Is this possible using Object Tracking?


I asked Apple a similar question a few days ago, that is, if the anchored real object is moved, it can be followed, and their reply is that it can be followed as long as there is no large area of occlusion and the movement speed is not too fast. So for your problem, as long as the user's hand does not cover the globe too much and the rotation speed is not too fast, it should be able to follow normally.

Exactly! It is assumed that your object is "mostly static", but if it is moved or rotated, the updated transform will be updated accordingly. Similarly the anchor will be removed if the object is not longer visible in your room. There might be some delay though since it is assumed that objects are mostly static.

Similarly the anchor will be removed if...

small correction: the anchor will be untracked (not removed) if the object is no longer visible.

Object Tracking with Rotation of Objects