SwiftUI+MapKit cannot display the globe view on iPhone.

I hope to use SwiftUI and MapKit to achieve the effect of a globe view when zooming out on the map. The code works in Xcode’s simulator and Simulator, but when running on my iPhone, it only zooms out to a flat world map. I haven’t found anyone else encountering the same issue, so I’d like to ask where the problem might be. Below is the simple code:

import SwiftUI
import MapKit

struct GlobalTest: View {
    var body: some View {
        Map(position: .constant(.automatic), interactionModes: [.all, .pan, .pitch, .rotate, .zoom]) {
        .mapStyle(.hybrid(elevation: .realistic,
                              pointsOfInterest: .including([.park]),
                             showsTraffic: false))

#Preview {

I have also tried setting the camera properties, but it still doesn’t work. My phone is an iPhone 15 Pro Max, running iOS 17.5.1, and I am in mainland China. The Xcode version is the latest. If anyone understands the reason, please let me know. This is very important to me, and I would be very grateful!

Using "struct MapView: UIViewRepresentable" "view.mapType = .satelliteFlyover" also results in the same issue mentioned above.

SwiftUI+MapKit cannot display the globe view on iPhone.