Apple Watch HealthKit Queries Beyond 7 Days?

This has long been a frustration of mine on Apple Watch, and I've brought it up at WWDC labs every year to no avail but while the limitation on the Apple Watch to only be able to query 7 days of HealthKit data may have made sense early in the AW's lifetime for battery preservation etc., it really no longer makes sense in modern AW development.

Especially not with stand alone watch apps, as a developer I am prohibited from building the same experience on the Apple Watch that I can in an iPhone app. For example, my app looks at your current health metrics and compares them to your 60 day baseline to identify any deviations from your normal ranges. I cannot create the same experience on the watch using purely HealthKit queries, and am limited to using either iCloud or Watch Connectivity which have their own drawbacks and are not an option for a stand alone watch app.

Can we finally expand the length of HealthKit queries the AW can make so that we can build the same powerful experience on the watch that we can on iPhone?

Thank you! Gary

See also Feedback FB7649612 (from April 2020).

I haven't got round to doing any testing yet but have a look here:

Apple Watch HealthKit Queries Beyond 7 Days?