WWDC24 Labs - Webex requiring meeting password

I have a lab, scheduled right now actually, that Webex is asking me for a password. I emailed wwdc @ apple.com hoping to hear back but it just generated a Case ID for me.

I was curious, is anyone else can't join their labs because Webex is prompting for a meeting password?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 790417022

Hi Swift developer!

Sorry to hear about that issue. I've let the relevant WWDC folks know about this, and they're looking into what went wrong.

Hi Swift developer!

Sorry to hear about that issue. I've let the relevant WWDC folks know about this, and they're looking into what went wrong.

Accepted Answer

If anyone else encounters this issue, using the Appointment ID as the password got me through the door!

WWDC24 Labs - Webex requiring meeting password