Sample SwiftData project is unable to create bundle

The exact error is: Unable to create bundle at URL (file:///System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.bundle): does not exist or not a directory (0).

Answered by Engineer in 790267022

This log is harmless, so probably unrelated to the SwiftData project failure. I've filed rdar://129626224 to reduce the frequency at which the log message appears.

What sample project are you talking about? Would you mind to share the link, the versions of the system and Xcode, and also the detailed steps so we can reproduce the issue?

Ziqiao Chen
 Worldwide Developer Relations.

This log is harmless, so probably unrelated to the SwiftData project failure. I've filed rdar://129626224 to reduce the frequency at which the log message appears.

Are you seeing this on device on iOS 18 developer beta?

I'm getting the same issue on iOS 18 Developer Beta

I'm getting the same issue on iOS 18 Developer Beta

Same issue even without SwiftData, just boilerplate iOS 18 code

Same here on iOS 18 Developer Beta

I'm getting the same issue on iOS 18 Developer Beta, lol

I wish Apple bug fixing priorities gave more priority for removing apple's sometime overwhelming spam from our logs.

Has this message, ever, in any iPhone anywhere in the world, ever meant to cause any independent developer anywhere to do anything?

If not, why in the world is anyone's log cluttered with this?

I should be able to right click on this message and select "Dont show again"

For me, the error was first observed when running late IOS17 levels. If you look at the URL, the path is missing the host component from the URL resulting in a string for the url of "file:///System/Library/CoreServices..." which is an invalid URL construct due to a missing host component after the "file://". That is why you are seeing the error. The path you are seeing in the URL is on the Mac system driving the App on the iPhone and that path does not exist on the iPhone device. I have been trying to track down component that it originaties in. Ir you take a demo application and step through the AppDelegate.swift from the entry point, you get the error on the execution of the second line of the AppDelegate class initialization on the line that starts "var window". It consistently stops with the execution of that line.

"@main class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow? func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { return true"

it is any comfort I was seeing the error when running a GIS application on Microsoft systems too because of a scripting error in setting up the configurations on a multi host distribute application.

BTW for my version of RoomPlan the error is NOT harmless because Metal cannot load its Texture and Vertex files. Without those files Metal has nothing to work with.

not so harmless at all my metal app won't run properly

Sample SwiftData project is unable to create bundle