We have a BLE app and we are trying to get it to work in Background Mode consistently.
Use case:
- RFID BLE reader is attached to a printer
- Person installs the iOS app on phone and enables Background Mode
- Person walks to the printer with phone
- iOS App connects to RFID BLE reader and authenticates to allow secure printing
Current status/Problem:
On several tests, we were able to connect to the BLE device, but with inconsistent results.
For example, for 5 - 2 min tests - (1) we see 8 successful scans, (2) 1 successful scan, (3) 20 successful scans, (4) 15 successful scans, and (5) 11 successful scans.
In the above tests, we were getting a scan every 3-4 secs and then it scanning stops.
The objective is to maintain continuous scanning until user closes app or disables background mode.
Why does scanning stop? How can we make scanning continuous?
Any guidance you can provide is appreciated.