iPhone Mirror App


do not find the new iPhone mirror function / app at the beta on macOS?! or is it coming later ?

You can find it under ~/Application/iPhone Mirroring.app

But for me is grayed out and crashes at launch

Found the iPhone mirroring APPs thank you. But nothing happens I have my phone and MAC on the home wifi is there any setup or configuration?

That App does not exist for me after upgrading from 14.5 to 15 beta. Is it a WIP still?

Open the applications folder and press command + shift + . and it should show up.

did you get it to work?

Found it. Thanks for the hot tip.

I can confirm while I found the app, it does not run. Perhaps it's not ready for prime time and that's why they hid it?

App showing in dock but no functions

all done in beta2 working

iPhone Mirror App