Universal links redirection issue when user credentials are auto filled and auto submitted on iOS


My App use OIDC for user authentication and universal linking for redirection from browser to App.

When user use autofill to enter credentials, sometime autosubmits happens automatically and after successfully login user sticks in the web. No redirection in the App happens in this situation.

Could you please look into it? In my view universal linking/redirection should work even on autosubmit.

Hi @MohammadUsmanAnsari ,

Would you please file a bug report at https://feedbackassistant.apple.com with as much information as possible and paste the FB number here? This doesn't seem like a universal links issue since it sounds like your universal links are working. It sounds like an issue with the autofill and how it redirects to login versus what your login button does. When you click your login button, I assume you redirect to some other subdomain the links back into your app. I expect that autofill is doing something different and using the same domain, which isn't redirecting to your app.

Universal links redirection issue when user credentials are auto filled and auto submitted on iOS