Moved my Project from iMac using macOS 13.6 to MacBook Air M1 using macOS 14.5

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost

Getting this error with: SKPaymentQueue.default().restoreCompletedTransactions()

Implemented: func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError error: any Error) { <#code#> } Error returned is the 1005 error I listed above.

The laptop works fine, it is connected to the internet just fine. The problem is connecting to the AppStore Simulator when the project target is intended for the Mac. I have an iOS project for this product and I do NOT get this problem with the transaction observer when the project target is iOS (iPhone, iPad).

This problem only occurs on the M1 Laptop and the target is MacOS.

So, how do you get Apple people to pay attention to something in here. I was notified on the Apple website that I cannot submit a request for personal code review until after June 17th. This has been in here for 6 days and no action. Anyone know how long this takes? I have a stub program that demonstrates this problem without any extraneous code. I can consistently reproduce this error condition. It only happens on MacOS 14.x. The code does not produce errors on MacOS 13.6.

Hello! We will have to look closer into this, could you please file a ticket attaching sysdiagnose via Feedback Assistant and share the FB# ticket number here?

Moved my Project from iMac using macOS 13.6 to MacBook Air M1 using macOS 14.5