Welcome to Apple Developer Community Spaces!

Hello from your Developer Forums Product Team -

The Apple Developer Forums have been redesigned and up-leveled for WWDC24, offering a revamped way to connect with Apple experts, engineers, and other developers to find answers, get advice, and continue the conversations WWDC inspires.

We believe the very best of what we do is in enabling developers’ success and in fostering an active, open, collaborative, helpful support and community network. We've created this community space to give developers a place and space to connect beyond code level questions - and view the developer forums as a way for developers around the world to connect with Apple and each other.

Stay tuned!

Is there no way to browse by tag anymore? That's one thing I liked about the old site.

Hi...look at the Search Bar on top ...

is this what you are looking for?

@B347 the old site had a full list of tags that existed on the site, which contain discussions about very specific parts of the APIs. The search bar is not a sufficient alternative for this and doesn't even have autocomplete.

This was how it looked on the old site:

On the new site, the topics are less specific. For example, the network extension discussions are grouped alongside other networking discussions in a general networking topic. The tags to the specific networking APIs should be shown on the networking sub-topic at least.

oh. Yes - I do recognise what you mean. Yes, correct - the categories have been reduced quite a bit and there is a lot of 'white space' on the overview page which could actually be supplemented with more information such as more (sub)categories. How to achieve a different presentation with more content is beyond my knowledge. Unfortunately I cannot help any further. But I hope that someone from Apple's changeover team is reading this and can initiate further adjustments accordingly. I would also definitely support this if there were even more categories (and they should also be more technical) on the entry page.

Follow-up: I would suggest that you create a specific new post with this topic to attract more attention and focus.

Would be great to have a wider reply text entry box.

Welcome to Apple Developer Community Spaces!