Spelling/grammar check settings persistence in UITextView on Mac Catalyst

In our Mac Catalyst app running on macOS, the Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing, Check Grammar With Spelling, and Correct Spelling Automatically preferences are reset with each opening of a new text view. How can we make those preferences persistent? Ie, when someone changes those settings for our app's text view, other incarnations of our app's text views should respect the latest preferences.

We looked at swizzling NSTextView's toggleAutomaticSpellingCorrection:, saving those to NSUserDefaults, and then reading those preferences when we set up our UITextView subclass, and then setting the UITextInputTraits properties accordingly.

However, our approach felt heavy handed, and I'm wondering if we are missing some out-of-the-box functionality that will make those preferences intuitively persistent.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

Spelling/grammar check settings persistence in UITextView on Mac Catalyst