Cant able to set lock screen independent of Wallpaper in Mac

In older versions of macOS, such as those predating Mac OS Sonoma, users had the ability to set the Lock Screen independently from their desktop wallpaper. However, with the introduction of Mac OS Sonoma, this feature seems to have been altered or removed altogether. Currently, there appears to be no option to set the Lock Screen image separately; instead, only changing the desktop wallpaper, changes the Lock Screen image. This change raises questions about whether it is a deliberate alteration in the setting flow or if it could potentially be a bug in the system.

Users may wonder if this adjustment is intended to streamline the interface or if there are plans to reintroduce the ability to customize the Lock Screen image independently of the wallpaper in future updates.

Looks like they removed that functionality. This page seems to have some info on how to achieve it:

But, as an aside, this is really a product support question, not really something for us third-party developers to answer. Your choice of tags for your post is also wrong. It has nothing to do with "Device Management" and "Managed Settings". Your question is better asked at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

Cant able to set lock screen independent of Wallpaper in Mac