How to copy the spatial information scanned by ARKit from one vision pro to another vision pro?

We want to make a multi-person networked application of vision pro. The first step is to need multiple vision pro with the same spatial information, so as to make the world coordinates consistent. Can we completely copy the spatial information created by one of the vision pro scans to other devices?

Answered by Vision Pro Engineer in 788244022

It is not possible to sync spatial information between Vision Pro devices in visionOS 1.0. For two Vision Pro devices to share the same coordinate system, you could e.g. have both devices detect the same print out of an image (see ). You could then use the image anchor's transform as the origin of the shared world.

It is not possible to sync spatial information between Vision Pro devices in visionOS 1.0. For two Vision Pro devices to share the same coordinate system, you could e.g. have both devices detect the same print out of an image (see ). You could then use the image anchor's transform as the origin of the shared world.

How to copy the spatial information scanned by ARKit from one vision pro to another vision pro?