NETransparentProxyProvider, NENetworkRule, and UDP

I've come to the conclusion that TPP and UDP are just utterly wonky together.

This is my relevant code:

        let host = NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "0")
        let udpRule = NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: host, prefix: 0, protocol: .UDP)
        let tcpRule = NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: host, prefix: 0, protocol: .TCP)
        let settings = NETransparentProxyNetworkSettings(tunnelRemoteAddress:"")

         * These three lines are a hack and experiment                                            
        let quicHost_1 = NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "80")
        let quicHost_2 = NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "443")
        let quicRule_1 = NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: quicHost_1, prefix: 0, protocol: .UDP)
        let quicRule_2 = NENetworkRule(destinationNetwork: quicHost_2, prefix: 0, protocol: .UDP)

        settings.includedNetworkRules = [quicRule_1, quicRule_2, tcpRule]
        settings.excludedNetworkRules = nil
  • Directing UDP through a TPP breaks FaceTime, AirDrop, and a bunch of VPNs
  • Despite the documentation implication that you can't do DNS control with a TPP ("A port string of 53 is not allowed. Use Destination Domain-based rules to match DNS traffic."), if I opt into UDP (settings.includedNetworkRules = [udpRule, tcpRule]), then I see traffic to port 53, and can do things with it.
  • If I use a wild-card network rule (the code above), then the TPP does not seem to get any UDP flows at all.
  • If I use a wild-card exclusion rule (using NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "", port: "53")), then everything starts breaking.
  • If I use NENetworkRule(destinationHost: host, protocol: .UDP), it complains because the prefix must be 32 or less.

I've filed feedbacks, and engaged with eskimo (really, thank you), and looked at previous threads, so mostly this is begging: has anyone gotten this to work as expected? I no longer think I'm being obviously wrong with my code, but I would be super delighted to find out I've missed some tricks or angles.

NETransparentProxyProvider, NENetworkRule, and UDP