RTC Peer connection error when trying to accept live video call in WKWebView ran in Mac Catalyst

I am developing an WKWebView app that runs on both mobile and mac platforms using a react website. Currently, an admin user can send a call request in which the user gets a pop-up to answer. on iOS it works as intended, the user is asked to grant permission to utilize camera and microphone and the user is immediately connected upon accepting, however I never receive the pop-up when running in Mac Catalyst. I have ensured to enable permissions in sandbox settings as well as adding NSCamera and NSMic permissions in the property list. in the safari debugging console I receive this error upon clicking the accept call

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: RTCPeerConnection

Ive attempted to use the webview callback requestMediaCapturePermissionFor, and this did not seem to trigger on attempting to answer the call. Is this an error on my development end? or is this an issue I should look to the react code for a fix. I appreciate any feedback possible. Thanks.

RTC Peer connection error when trying to accept live video call in WKWebView ran in Mac Catalyst