Will RoomPlan work on iPhones without lidar?

If my app utilized the RoomPlan api to create a parametric representation of the room, would it open on iPhones that don’t have lidars? I‘m aware the iPhone models that are equipped with lidar are iPhone 12 Pro & Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro & Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro & Pro Max, and iPhone 15 Pro & Pro Max.

You can require certain hardware for your app. UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities. You can also check supportsSceneReconstruction. RoomPlan has a test as well I think. RoomPlan features won't work without lidar. But no, its inclusion alone would not prevent the app from opening. So you can have an app that has that as a feature but may have a broader set of features important to those who don't need to use the LiDAR portion.

Will RoomPlan work on iPhones without lidar?