How to get updated scale value in RealityKit in vision pro

Hello, I am doing to load model from bundle and it is loaded successfully. Now I am scaling model using GestureExtension from apple demo code. (

    @State private var selectedEntityName : String = ""
    @State private var modelEntity: ModelEntity?
    var body: some View {
            .task {
                do {
                    modelEntity = try await ModelEntity.loadArcadeMachine()
                } catch {

    private var contentView: some View {
        if let modelEntity {
            RealityView { content, attachments in

                modelEntity.position = SIMD3<Float>(x: 0, y: -0.3, z: -5)
                modelEntity.transform.scale =  [0.006, 0.006, 0.006] 
                if let percentTextAttachment = attachments.entity(for: "percentage") {
                    percentTextAttachment.position = [0, 50, 0]
            } update: { content, attachments in
// I want here to get updated scaling value and it is showing in RealityView attachmnt text.

            } attachments: {
                Attachment(id: "percentage") {
                    Text("\(  \(modelEntity.scale * 100) %")
                        .font(.system(size: 5000))
           // This method am using for gesture support

        } else {

Below code from GestureExtension

        let state = EntityGestureState.shared
        guard canScale, !state.isDragging else { return }
        let entity = value.entity
        if !state.isScaling {
            state.isScaling = true
            state.startScale = entity.scale
        let magnification = Float(value.magnification)
        entity.scale = state.startScale * magnification
        state.magnifyValue = magnification
        magnifyScale = Double(magnification)
        print("Entity Name  :::::::  \(")
        print("Scale  :::::::  \(entity.scale)")
        print("Magnification  :::::::  \(magnification)")
        print("StartScale  :::::::  \(state.startScale)")

> This "magnification" value I need to use in RealityView class. How can i Do it? Could you please guide it.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 786709022

Hello @Sandip_Aura,

I believe you are trying to utilize the current gesture state of the MagnifyGesture to update your UI. For this task, I recommend making use of @GestureState.

It is tricky to implement this in that sample project, but here is how you can do it:

  1. Add @GestureState private var magnification: Double = 1 as a property of ContentView.
  2. Update the RealityView extension that defines magnifyGesture to build a gesture that updates the magnification GestureState:
/// Builds a magnify gesture.
func makeMagnifyGesture(magnification: GestureState<Double>) -> some Gesture {
        .updating(magnification) { currentState, gestureState, transaction in
            gestureState = currentState.magnification
  1. Update the installGestures function to use the new magnify gesture, passing through the GestureState:
/// Apply this to a `RealityView` to pass gestures on to the component code.
func installGestures(magnification: GestureState<Double>) -> some View {
        .simultaneousGesture(makeMagnifyGesture(magnification: magnification))
  1. Update the ContentView to pass through the GestureState to installGestures:
.installGestures(magnification: $magnification)

// This onChange will print the current magnification value ✅
.onChange(of: magnification) { oldValue, newValue in
    print("Current magnification: \(newValue)")
Accepted Answer

Hello @Sandip_Aura,

I believe you are trying to utilize the current gesture state of the MagnifyGesture to update your UI. For this task, I recommend making use of @GestureState.

It is tricky to implement this in that sample project, but here is how you can do it:

  1. Add @GestureState private var magnification: Double = 1 as a property of ContentView.
  2. Update the RealityView extension that defines magnifyGesture to build a gesture that updates the magnification GestureState:
/// Builds a magnify gesture.
func makeMagnifyGesture(magnification: GestureState<Double>) -> some Gesture {
        .updating(magnification) { currentState, gestureState, transaction in
            gestureState = currentState.magnification
  1. Update the installGestures function to use the new magnify gesture, passing through the GestureState:
/// Apply this to a `RealityView` to pass gestures on to the component code.
func installGestures(magnification: GestureState<Double>) -> some View {
        .simultaneousGesture(makeMagnifyGesture(magnification: magnification))
  1. Update the ContentView to pass through the GestureState to installGestures:
.installGestures(magnification: $magnification)

// This onChange will print the current magnification value ✅
.onChange(of: magnification) { oldValue, newValue in
    print("Current magnification: \(newValue)")
How to get updated scale value in RealityKit in vision pro