Apple Pay Registration Error

We are getting this error when processing our registration.

Payment Services Exception Domain check failed with the following errors. No domains were registered.\nDomain verification failed for pspId=1A014B2EC09DB380EE1D51FE4D116C801F62F29D74F2D93269FE554CA2E34656 url=/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association Use JsonReader.setLenient(true) to accept malformed JSON at line 1 column 4559 path $",<EOL> "statusCode": "400"<EOL>}

Answered by DTS Engineer in 792563022

Hi @mardo1,

Please see the following to learn more about the expected steps for merchant domain verification:

Configuring Your Environment: Register and Verify Your Domain

Also, be sure to add the IP ranges used by Apple to perform the merchant domain verification to your server's allow list:

Setting Up Your Server: Allow Apple IP Addresses for Domain Verification



Hi @mardo1,

Please see the following to learn more about the expected steps for merchant domain verification:

Configuring Your Environment: Register and Verify Your Domain

Also, be sure to add the IP ranges used by Apple to perform the merchant domain verification to your server's allow list:

Setting Up Your Server: Allow Apple IP Addresses for Domain Verification



Apple Pay Registration Error