Accelerometer devices

I am writing a bachelor thesis and I have to know which accelerometer chip is used in iPhone 12, 14 and 15, but I cannot find any information regarding that. I found out in an article that the original iPhone uses LIS302DL, but iPhone 3G and 4 uses LIS331DL.

From wikipedia, and a few related searches, it seems that accelerometer after iPhone6/plus are made on die instead of a separate sensor.

I am also curious on what is the current G-force detection versus 3GS and 4s(search an O'REILLY post on iPhone accelerometer):"Both of these accelerometers can operate in two modes, allowing the chip to measure either ±2g and ±8g. In both modes the chip can sample at either 100 Mhz or 400 Mhz. Apple operates the accelerometer in the ±2g mode (presumably at 100 Mhz) with a nominal resolution of 0.018g. In the ±8g mode the resolution would be four times coarser, and the presumption must be that Apple decided better resolution would be more useful than a wider range."

Maybe you know something about it?

If you can’t find the answer in an ifixit teardown, the answer is not available.

I would guess they are custom parts, or at least custom variants, made specifically for Apple.

Why exactly do you think you need this? Is it too late to change your dissertation subject?

Accelerometer devices