Problem with Accessibility Inspector and app on PySide6

Hi to all.

I'm building a Mac application using QT (PySide6). After updating XCode to 15.3.0 (Sonoma), the Accessibility Inspector stopped working correctly, it does not display the attributes of nested elements, but only the title of the window. When using XCode 14.2 (Monterey) - everything worked correctly.

from PySide6.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from PySide6.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine

app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)

engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()



import QtQuick.Controls

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true 
    width: 600
    height: 500
    title: "MyApp"

    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: parent 

        Text {
            id: my_text

            anchors.centerIn: parent 
            text: "My APP"
            font.pixelSize: 45

            Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText
            Accessible.description: "my app text"

        Accessible.role: Accessible.StaticText "Rectagle"
        Accessible.description: "my app rectangle"

The code is the same for both applications

On Monterey i can select any region with accessible

On Sonoma - only title

Does anyone know a solution? Maybe someone has a similar problem?

Hi, the Accessibility Inspector ships with Xcode (not macOS) so you will need to update Xcode to get the latest Accessibility Inspector. The latest Xcode (15E204a) comes with Accessibility Inspector version 149.2. It seems like your version is behind. Having multiple Xcodes can sometimes cause the wrong Xcode to be used. Could you verify you are using the correct Xcode by running xcode-select -p? And if this is not pointing to the latest Xcode on disk, please use xcode-select -s to update the path. Please also verify you are running the latest macOS (Sonoma 14.4.1, 23E224).

If you are still running into issues, please file a Feedback Assistant report! Thank you!

Hello! Thanks for the answer.

These two examples are taken on different machines with their respective OSes and Xcode.

Yes, I reinstalled the Accessibility Inspector but that didn't change the situation(

I wonder if this is an issue with the QT framework you are using on Sonoma? If you create a standard Mac app using native UI frameworks like AppKit or SwiftUI, does the Accessibility Inspector work? If so, it would seem that perhaps something regressed with QT on Sonoma. But if you are still running into issues, it would seem like an Accessibility Inspector issue, and I would encourage you to file a Feedback Assistant report so we can take a further look!

I create Feedback Assistant report FB13753893.

I also checked on a simple Swift application - the Accessability Inspector works correctly. But with QT - I do not change the framework itself, it is the same on both systems.

Problem with Accessibility Inspector and app on PySide6