15.3 and Net8.0 Somoma crashes

I spent 3 days sorting out an app that worked with net7.0 and Xcode 14.x. Namely my Httpsclient requests to the API crashed the iOS after 6-9 cycles.

Ater re-coding with no luck, tracking the Crash codes and recoding with no luck, I finally found a forum that articulates 15.3 and net8.0 is a no go. Downgrade to 15.2.

I did the downgrade and my original code worked just fine.

I read most of the posts on 15.3 and did not see this issue noted. Has anyone seen the same issue and if so found a work around?

Others have seen an HttpsClient issue with authentication with 2 suggestions but no workable solution in 15.3. They downgraded.

I think you might have more luck asking this via the support channel for your third-party tooling.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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15.3 and Net8.0 Somoma crashes