NSFileProviderManager getUserVisibleURL(for itemIdentifier: ) throws error: "The file “...” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it."


I am encountering an error in my File Provider UI extension where, after calling NSFileProviderManager's getUserVisibleURL(for itemIdentifier: ) method, I receive an error: "The file “...” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it."

Looking at the system logs I see the following output:

2024-04-18 12:49:42.847462+0800 0x26c76    Error       0xbec93              6750   0    fileproviderd: (FileProviderDaemon) [com.apple.FileProvider:default] [ERROR] <private> is missing enumerate entitlement to lookup <private>
2024-04-18 12:49:42.847576+0800 0x26c76    Default     0xbec93              6750   0    fileproviderd: (FileProviderDaemon) [com.apple.FileProvider:default] [WARNING] No provider found with identifier <private> for calling bundle (null) on second attempt.
2024-04-18 12:49:42.847688+0800 0x26c76    Error       0xbec93              6750   0    fileproviderd: (FileProviderDaemon) [com.apple.FileProvider:default] [ERROR] Provider ID com.app.name.FileProviderExt is not allowed to provide item ID <private> to consumer ID (null)

This issue only appears on my development machine with the release app bundle codesigned with the intended certificate for release. This is a machine where I have built this same application using a personal development certificate (which works fine and does not face this error). On a second Mac, which has never had this app installed, I do not face this error.

For additional context, the application, File Provider extension, and File Provider UI extension are all in the same app group.

I have also tried building the application for release under different bundle identifiers (e.g. com.app.nametwo.FileProviderExt), to no avail.

NSFileProviderManager getUserVisibleURL(for itemIdentifier: ) throws error: "The file “...” couldn’t be opened because you don’t have permission to view it."