Stuck on launch with Debug

Attempting to run my app on the simulator or device seemingly leaves it stuck on the launch screen for a long time. Slowly, the terminal will start to relay info suggesting it's past that but still displays the launch screen until eventually it goes to a black screen. No changes I am aware of were made to cause these behavior to start. And it was a sudden issue. My last OS update was a few days ago and my last Xcode update was after this started to occur in hopes it would fix the problem. Recent code changes would have nothing to do with startup. I did try to delete derived data and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ based on solutions given to other users with similar problems. I've restarted the computer and cold restarted. When I stop the application from Xcode, I can then run the app. It's just when it's attached. It will also work if "Debug executable" is off. Other apps on this computer do not seem to have this problem. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.


You have hopefully archived previous versions of your code. Try with them. If it works, check thoroughly what changes you made.

Did you look at the debug navigator to check for CPU usage ?

  • Yes, I archive old school. I keep two copies on two drives in two different buildings. But it was no change I made. It was taking over three minutes just to get to the first viewDidLoad. And it was all related to attaching the debug. Turn that off and it ran. So I deleted and reinstalled Xcode. That still didn't work. And again I deleted the derived data folder. This time, it worked. Maybe the first time I still had Xcode running. But it's working now. I'm happy. Here is an upvote.

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I think I found the real issue. It does this when breakpoints are activated regardless of if no actual breakpoints are active.